About Our Survey Collections

Currently, we have records on file from the following surveying companies:

  • Georgia Land Surveying Company
  • D.W. Lynah Surveyors
  • B. H. Cox
  • Rodenberger and Associates
  • E. L. Chapman and Associates
  • Atlanta Title Company
  • B. J. Goble
  • A.S. Giometti
  • Conn map files
  • G.T. Foster
  • O.F. Kaufman

These records provide documentation of primarily the metro Atlanta area.  The surveys include subdivision maps, land auction maps, and individual lot surveys.  Some date back to the Civil War and others are as recent as 2015.

Our files are organized by Land Lot and District and are searchable in many different ways. If you would like to search our interactive database you can. You will need to know what District and land lot you live in. The best way to figure this out is to look at the deed for your property and it will tell you, or go to your county’s tax assessor and look it up by doing an address search. The maps cost $25 each and they are unrestricted, meaning that you can email them to other people and they can open the files and read them.

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